Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lizzy's Eye Appointment

Lizzy had an eye doctor appointment yesterday. She has worn glasses since she was 3 (she is now 6) to correct near sightedness. When she was 3 her eye started to cross outward. Her vision in one eye was about 20/40, while the other was 20/500! (amblyopia). So she wore glasses and then we patched her good eye to make the bad one stronger. We patched most of the day for close to a year and her "bad" eye improved a lot. She still was not using both eyes together (strabismus) and underwent eye muscle surgery. This also helped and she now uses both eyes together and is not cross-eyed.
This past summer, her worse eye slipped to 20/40, so we began patching again. At this last appointment, her eyes were pretty much equal. So we can stop patching for now!
Lizzy loves going to the eye doctor. Dr. Reese is one of the kindest doctors I know. He is never in a rush and answers all your questions. He talks to Lizzy while he is examining her eyes and makes her feel so comfortable. She does not like getting eye drops in her eyes, so he first put them on her hands for her to see them. Now every time we go, even if she does not need drops, she asks for them on her hands. He patiently gives her a variety of colors! They would both still be there if I did not tell her it was time to go!

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