Monday, February 25, 2008


Frankie is starting to talk more and more! His big sister, Lizzy, was talking in complete sentences by now, (21 months), but he still uses single words. Some are real words and some are word approximations. I had been a bit worried because he doesn't talk that much, but he is getting better and is more apt to imitate us and try new words. At his last EI session, he said 22 words or word approximations in a half hour! I thought that was pretty good.
He tends to put G's in front of words in place of the correct sound, such as; "gook" for book or "gead" for read. His EI teacher said it is common for kids to put a different sound at the beginning of a word, but not the G sound. That is a harder one, so it's funny he uses the G.
He has a few new favorite words, one is "doggie". He has always wanted to pet dogs, but recently he has started saying "doggie" too. We were visiting my grandmother and he was petting, feeding the dog and saying "doggie", it was fun. He also loves to say "apple", just starting this weekend. I asked him if he wanted apple yogurt and he said "apple". After he was done, he said "apple" again and I realized he wanted a piece of fruit.
It is just fun to watch him learn to say new words and be excited that he can say them. He likes that we understand and he gets what he is asking for!

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