Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Looking ahead . . .

I have been thinking about school for Frankie a lot lately. I registered him for his EI class today and he is in the same age group he was last time with the same teacher in the same room. For the next session in June, he will be ready for "Two Time", in which he goes by himself and I go to a parent group. He is not good at separating from me (unless it's family), so I think it will be hard. I am happy, though, that he can be in the same classroom he is now. He knows the layout and where his favorite toys are. I can imagine him in a new room without me would be very hard. It has taken him a while to explore this whole room with me there.
I know as he gets older, he will be in unfamiliar rooms, but I want his first experience away from me to be as positive as possible. If he knows where his favorite toys are, that will help! I think positive first experiences lead to other positive experiences down the road. And it is also helpful for me to think about his TVI coming into his classroom as he starts school to guide him and his teachers.

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