Sunday, October 29, 2017


Wow! I don't update too much! Life is better now than it has been for the past 2 years. I would love to get back into blogging again. I can't say that it won't vear towards cancer, but I can talk about other things too. :) Some days are hard still and some are easier, but overall days are better. Nights, on the other hand, are hard. It is hard to not sleep night after night after night. But hopefully moving in the right direction there too. The kids are doing well and getting so much older; independent, happy, busy, active. John and I are enjoying every minute with them, as busy as the weekends get! And Bayley, our 3rd child/ dog is a handful, but sweet and lovable. I think since I am past the most intense part of the cancer storm, I will be able to write again. Stay tuned!