Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

2010 was another hard year, with my Aunt Fran passing away. I miss her and Grandma each day.

I also have been having a hard health year, now with the blood clot and coumadin added on. But I wanted to think back for the fun, happy things over the year:

John and I celebrating our 10 year anniversary in St. John's!!!
Our 4th of July family weekend in Falmouth!
Lizzy making her First Communion!
Frankie turning 4 and starting the older kid classroom at school!
Lizzy turning 9 and celebrating at American Girl!
Lizzy starting the 3rd grade and joining the synchronized skating team!
Frankie starting ice skating lessons!
John starting a new job!
Earning some rewards for my Discovery Toys selling!

Fun Christmas Activities!!

As promised, I wanted to mention all the fun activites we did this past month for Christmas!!

John and the kids went to The Boston Pops concert, (I was laid up that weekend). My friend, Anna was singing with the Pops, and they loved the concert, Santa and the Grinch song. Frankie could see santa from the balcony too. : )

The same weekend, they also went to the alumni BC Winter Wonderland, complete with Santa, gingerbread house making and a horse drawn carriage ride!

The night before Christmas Eve we did the Enchanted Village at Jordan's Furniture! The kids loved all the old time village scenes, complete with authentic smells! With yummy blueberry muffins after. : )

The Millis Wonderland is also a favorite! We went with our friends on a friday night, and drove through the grounds that are lit up with many different diplays, trains, scenes, etc. They take donations to benefit the Salvation Army too!

We made our annual trip to Plaster Fun Time to decorate Christmas ornaments one Saturday night! A great time to go because it is not crowded, at all! The kids take their time and made great keepsake ornaments to put on the tree each year.

Tonight we had the kids' cousins and aunts and uncles over for munchies and then watched the 7:00 Westwood fireworks. Very fun in the snow too!

We hope to go to donwtown Boston tomorrow to see the ice sculptures, and maybe the Stone Zoo Zoolights tomorrow night!

Happy new year! Here's hoping for a great 2011!!


Indefinitely sounds so long, doesn't it??

The doctor last week told me I have to stay on coumadin indefinetely! It just sounds so long, maybe the rest of my life. And wear the miserable compression stockings that long too! Now, I know there are worse things and people will say, "It could be worse", "think of all the people with worse things", yet I am having a hard time adjusting to this!!

The coumadin is a pain because of all the blood checks, twice a week for now. Risks associated with bleeding too much, etc. They even said not to ride my bike! And the stockings are uncomfortable and I'm dreading wearing them this summer already!

Just have had so many health issues and this one has just thrown me for a loop! Can't seem to shake it, I know I need to focus on positive, but it's just not working well right now!

Here's hoping for a better 2011.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas, just a little late. : ) We had a nice one, celebrating with John's family on Christmas Eve and my parents on Christmas Day! Lizzy sang at Christmas Eve Mass, what a joy to hear them sing! She also was in the Christmas pageant the week before, playing Elizabeth and an angel. : ) I cried!

The kids enjoyed the big snow storm that followed Christmas!

We have done many fun pre-Christmas activites that I will post details about soon!

Christmas thankfulness:
Lizzy singing at Mass and being in the pageant.
Christmas eve and all the cousins playing together.
Frankie still believing in Santa; cookies and stockings on Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning!
The story of Christmas from Luke.
Ghee and Pa arriving and staying till today!
Playing in the snow.
Ice skating outside.
A warm fire.
A week off from school!
Baking : )

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blood Clot - Yuck

Last week I got a blood clot in my right calf. I had one right after Lizzy was born so I knew the signs and I went in early. They did the ultrasound to confirm. Frankie was with me, but he loved seeing the pictures of my leg on the computer and was asking that they turn it so he could see. : )

So I am on coumadin and lovanox shots, ouch! Every morning and every evening another shot in the leg, I alternate. I just can't do it in the tummy, even though I did when I was pregnant with Frankie. I did one in the tummy this time and have a green, blue, purple yellow bruise the size of a walnut; have a hard time looking at it!

So I am slowly recovering, just amazed how everything hurts!! And I am so tired and out of it! Just making dinner is an effort and I need to sit down in between each step of preparing it! I sleep and sleep and wake up exausted and aching! But at least I caught it early and I am at home, not in the hospital! Oh and I can't remember anything!

Eventually things will get easier. And making dinner will even be easy again. I guess for now it is make easy meals and rest as much as I can.

But I am going to make a happy list: (My mom said she started this yesterday)

- A good brownie meeting with Lizzy's troop
- Going to see the sheep at the church down the street in the pretty snow
- A warm house and hearing my heat come on
- Lizzy getting to be Elizabeth and an angel in the church Christmas Pageant
- Frankie loving his ice skating lessons