Thursday, January 14, 2010

"I can't see the Patriots"

We went to a high school basketball game this afternoon, that my brother-in-law coaches. Lizzy had a great time and loved watching and cheering, especially since she has started playing basketball this year.
Frankie, on the other hand was more interested in eating. About half way through, he said "I don't really like it because I can't see the Patriots". He watches the Patriots on TV with Daddy, and thinks every sport is them. It was a little funny, in this respect, yet I felt so sad that he truly could not see the players or game. Makes you realize his visual limitations. Just feeling a little sad tonight. But I'm sure he'll have me smiling again in the morning!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Let's Motor

Frankie had his first class at Let's Motor yesterday, he loved it! He had a one on one class with the owner which started with stretching and yoga. He and Lizzy make up yoga moves, so he loved this. He then got to do an obstacle course and some tumbling, jumping and climbing. In the beginning he painted a fish for the new mural and the session ended with a lollipop!
Let's Motor specializes in kids' with special needs, and the director has had other kids with albinism. It was very nice to have some work with Frankie who really gets him. We are excited for next week!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy 2010!!

Wow, it has been SO long!! 2009 was a HARD year, so I am looking forward to 2010 being better! With Frankie's surgery last year, his recovery, IEP stuff, Aunt Fran's brain tumor, and the passing of Grandma, is was a sad year. I pretty much forgot about blogging. But I am going to try very hard to get back into it this year!

Frankie loves his preschool! He is in the same school he started at the end of last year, with the same teachers! They are talking about pets now. They were supposed to bring in a stuffed pet to play in the classroom with; dog, cat, etc. Since he likes Curious George so much, mostly all of his animals are monkeys! : ) So he wound up bringing in a meerkat!

Lizzy loves school too! She is in second grade and skates, does ballet, plays the violin and basketball!