Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pudding and Play-Doh

On Tuesday afternoon, Frankie's EI teacher and her student teacher came, along with the student teacher's supervisor. It was a bit late in the afternoon, 4:15, but Frankie did well for the first part. We started with a snack, by 4:15 he needs some extra energy! She was practicing dipping and biting with Frankie, instead of stuffing the whole cookie in. He got to dip in pudding. : ) He was hungry and ate for a while. He did some signs; more, me, and said me and cookie.
Next came Play-Doh and animals. He has not played with it too much yet, so it's an extra special treat! He was using a lot of language with the student teacher while he played; ball, roll, cow, moo, yes, no, horse . . .
Frankie then played with her on the floor a bit, with tools and bees. But he was getting tired and ready for dinner, it was almost 5:00, so he began to melt-down. But overall I think it was a success. I like that he can play and respond well to a variety of people.

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