Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Explore and More

Frankie had his Toddler Time class today, "Explore and More". It is for children from 15 - 24 months old. There are usually about 8 children in the class with 3 teachers. Today his EI specialist who comes to our house was in the classroom too, so that was an extra treat!
It is quite structured and Frankie does so well! There is free choice play for the first 45 minutes or so. Frankie likes to stay near the kitchen set and "cook". He will go to the table toys and sometimes coloring. He really has fun, though. Next is clean up, which he loves, and then off to the sensory table. Today it was filled with potato flakes. He, and I, like when it is filled with hard pasta and rice. He enjoys scooping, burying and dumping.
Then we sing "bye bye" to the table and each child gets a mat to sit on for circle time. I think this mat is a great idea and Frankie loves to stay on his. We sing hello to all the children and then each child gets a turn to pick a song by signing "me" (putting your hand on your chest). Frankie was signing and saying "me" today. I was so excited that he was saying it! When it was his turn, he got to pick between the 2 sheets and he picked "If You're Happy and You Know It". After we have sang all the songs, the children put away their mats and have snack at the table. They wash their hands and sign/say "me", which Frankie did both. Today then had blueberries (a favorite), animal crackers and pudding. When they are done they have to clean up and put their bowl and cup in the center bin.
Gross motor is next and Frankie spent all his time on the slide. He did good climbing up, going down on his bottom and waiting his turn. Next comes an art project and the children colored a football and put stickers on it (another favorite). Then comes parachute, he was a bit tired at this point today, and then we sing goodbye. It is a fun-filled morning and he is just progressing so much, it is fun to watch!

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