Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Depth Perception

Depth perception is a big issue for children with albinism. Frankie has trouble with stairs and changes in floor surfaces. He loves to climb stairs now, but has trouble usually at the bottom. He can't judge where the bottom of the stair is and when he has one more stair to go. He usually thinks he is done with the stairs, but has another one to go.
If there is a slight step down, such as going from a rug to a floor, he probably wouldn't notice this. Sometimes if it is a bigger step down he will fall, but he is quite resilient.
We were at a Christmas party in December, and there was a slight "bump" on the floor in the doorway. He looked down at it and it looked as big as a stair to him, because he got down on his hands and knees and went down it backwards as if he was going down a stair. It was cute and sad at the same time!

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