Monday, March 31, 2008

"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"

A year and a half ago, we found out Frankie had albinism, and everything changed. Now, I am happier that I was before the diagnosis, but life will never be exactly the same. Going through an event like that is life changing and I find myself looking at things differently than I used too.
As an example, my car was totaled this past November, we were unharmed! Then about a month ago, my brand new mini van was hit parked in font of my house. I just got it back on Friday! Around the time I totaled the first car, I broke my computer, fell down the stairs and my grandparents were both in the hospital. If this would have all happened the fall Frankie was diagnosed, I would not have been able to handle it. But now I was able to put most of it in perspective. The main issue with the car was that we OK, and we were! It was a pain to make many phone calls, have a rental, etc, but it wasn't what really mattered and it wasn't all that important. Now we even joke about our bad luck with cars. : ) A car, computer or any material object can be fixed or replaced. My fall was not that bad and my grandparents are both at home.
So Frankie having albinism has changed me, but definitely for the better. I can actually relate to "don't sweat the small stuff". Sometimes I still do sweat the small stuff, but not nearly as often. When I do, I find myself looking as the situation again and asking if it really deserves this much attention or worry. Usually it doesn't.
I'm sure there are others out there who can relate?

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