Saturday, June 28, 2008

Perkins Albinism Class

I have written some about the class at Perkins, but wanted to mention all the rest of the great things we did and learned. On the last day of class, (everyone was sad to see it end!), we did a sunblock experiment. We put sunblock in between transparent paper. We then went into a dark room and put photo paper under the transparent paper. We then went into the sun for a few minutes and came back inside to lift off the transparent paper with sunblock. You could see how much the sunblock protected, because the paper was not exposed. I used the Aveeno Baby sunblock and it protected quite well, judging from the experiment. I have been using it all season and it works great and does not irritate the skin.
We also got to test out some of the low vision aids. We got to try hand held magnifiers and ones mounted on glasses. I am going to call this week to the low vision clinic at Perkins to get an appointment for Frankie. That will be quite interesting to me.
There is also a workshop at Perkins where all kinds of devices are made to help blind and vision impaired children. The slant boards were very nice, it is a desk that is slanted at a 45 degree angle so the child does not have to strain their neck over so much to look at or read something. It is made from a type of cardboard, so it is lightweight too.
Overall, I do love the albinism class!


Mashawna said...

With as much as we need to use sunscreen on our little ones, you might not want to use the Aveeno Baby. Some of the active ingredients have significant health risks. See here:

California Baby is probably one of the best and safest, although it is sometimes difficult to find. Our pharmacy was able to order it for us.


Susan said...

Wow! Thanks, Mashawna. That website has a lot of info on it. How did you decide on the California Baby? Is there a certain kind of it you use?

Heather Kirkwood said...

Hey Susan, I was just wondering if you had any contact info on the Perkins class.

Susan said...

Hi Heather,
I will email you the lady's name and email.
How are you doing?