Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I have been slow to post lately, sorry!
Let's see, Frankie had an opthamologist appointment 2 weeks ago. I seem to get more confused each time I go. The good news is that he improved on the teller cards to 20/60! We were happy about that!
At his last appointment, I thought that he would get glasses eventually when the degree of his eye turning was the same for 2 appointments in a row. Now that was not true, he does not need glasses. So I find it a bit frustrating to understand something one way and then it is different the next time. So surgery would be the only solution for his crossed eye, but not right now. I am hoping to try to ask even more questions next time, to be clearer in my understanding.


Kaesmann said...


strabismus and needing glasses do not necessarily go together! usually children with albinism need glasses, because 98% of them are moderately to high hyperopic or myopic and have astigmatism. Glasses may, but do not always improve the crosses eyes. The *main* reason however to prescribe the refractive error is to improve the visual development of the child!! this is why I usually prescribe the specs as **early as possible**. Visual development happens most in the first to 1st to 3rd year of life - here an optimum of support is necessary. Squint / crossed eyes can be corrected any time.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Kaesmann
Consultant of Ophth. and Low Vis.
Medical Advisor to NOAH Germany

Susan said...

Hello Dr. Kaesmann,

Thank you for your comments. So you recommend glasses for children with albinism, regardless of whether they are near or far sighted. Frankie is neither, would you still prescribe glasses for him?
