Thursday, May 1, 2008

Watching "Georgie"

Frankie LOVES Curious George, or, as he says, "Georgie". And he has just started watching him on TV, he says, "Georgie TV".
When Lizzy has watched TV in the past, Frankie was usually not interested at all. He could not see it from the couch and even if he got closer, he was not interested. Lately, making dinner was becoming more of a challenge; he would be crying in the kitchen, under my feet, wanting me to pick him up. So I got to thinking that maybe seeing and hearing George on the TV would do the trick! So about a week ago, I put his chair close to the TV and told him he and Lizzy were going to see "Georgie"! He was excited, yelling "Georgie" and really likes to sit there are watch it. It gives me a half hour to make dinner and relax a bit. : )
I don't want him to become a "chair potato", but it is nice to have a little "mom break". He and Lizzy enjoy talking about George while they are watching too.

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