Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Frankie!!

Frankie is 2 today! I can't believe how fast time goes, even quicker with the second child. Lizzy and I were thinking about how we had a picnic the day Frankie was born, before my water broke in her nursery school parking lot. : ) The next day Lizzy got to come to the hospital to meet him. She came to see me in my room and then we all walked down to the nursery to get him. He was in the small crib, and she was so happy to meet him! She was jumping and saying, "Frankie". The next year on Mother's Day she drew a picture of me and her meeting Frankie for the first time. : )
Frankie is such a happy child and easy going. He is a blessing to have in our lives. It is so much fun to hear him talking and he likes to laugh a lot too.
He enjoyed his trip to the aquarium today, dinner at a favorite restaurant and ice cream cake. He got a play grill that makes grilling noises that he loves. And Lizzy got him 2 cars books and musical keys. We also got to all go to church together, this evening. Frankie did so well and was quiet, doing his stickers diligently.
What a fun 2nd birthday! Happy birthday Frankie!

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