Sunday, April 6, 2008


We had a busy weekend! Lizzy finished up her swimming lessons, complete with jumping into the deep end and swimming to the side, I'm impressed! Today we brought Frankie to church for the first time. We usually go to different masses, so one of us stays home with him. He did pretty well to start, but then got a little louder. So he and John hung out in the "crying room", and then I left with him early. So we will keep trying. We brought a snack, water, coloring and stickers, but I think we need to bring a few more new items next time. : ) I'll be on the lookout, maybe the party store.
We also had an egg hunt today and live animals with our newcomers club. The egg hunt was fun, despite the cold, damp weather. Frankie found his first egg and said "more, pees"(please). : ) Then we went in for the animals. The kids were sitting in a circle, I held Frankie behind the circle and the man held up the first animal. I was pointing to it, but he could not see it! Sometimes I even forget how close he needs to be to see something. So we didn't last long and went upstairs to play with toys instead. He didn't mind, but it just got me thinking ahead again! These same animals will probably come to his elementary school in a few years and he will have trouble seeing them! I'm sure the teacher will do her best to sit him in the front, but it still could be a challenge. Sometimes I find it hard to not know how he will do in school and what will give him difficulties. I'm sure a lot of parents feel this way anyway.

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