Saturday, April 12, 2008


Frankie and I were early for story time on Friday, so we walked towards the nearby elementary school. We were about a baseball field away from the playground area, and Frankie started yelling, "Slide, slide", very excitedly. I was quite surprised because of how far away we were and I really didn't think he would be able to see the slide from that distance. So now I am debating whether he saw it clearly, not so clearly, or remember the slide was there from another time? I didn't remember being there recently, but he would probably remember better than I. : ) I just found this interesting.
He also points out all the buses. Again, does he see them every time, or maybe hear them? He knows where they are parked, so maybe he just remembers? Or maybe he sees the yellow and associates bus? I guess someday soon I will know, he is starting to talk up a storm!

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