Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 Slow Days, Kind of Nice!

Lizzy has been sick with a stomach bug since Monday night, she was sick mostly that night and has been recovering yesterday and today. I hate to see my kids sick, and luckily she is quite healthy! So I felt bad that she was sick, but the slowing down for 2 days was quite nice! Today she was feeling better, (not quite well enough for school), so we have been decorating turkeys, playing games and watching a movie; instead of trying to be 7 different places throughout the day for both kids! I do enjoy the slower pace!

Sometimes I am torn between having the kids do all the activities they want, and just having time to relax, play, etc. We have tried to find that balance, but some days seem especially, busy, like short Wednesdays! So a day or so of staying in does feel nice. : ) I like time to just enjoy my kids and spend time with them. Next Thursday they have off fro Veterans' Day and I am looking forward to going out for the day with them, lunch, playground and a little shopping. : )

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