Saturday, May 2, 2009


Wow, it's been along time since I have posted, so much going on!! I have a lot of updates on TVI's, school, etc, I will write about soon.
Lizzy, Frankie and I headed down to NJ to visit my parents over spring break a few weeks ago. We got some bad news, my aunt was diagnosed with a stage 4 cancerous brain tumor. I have really been in shock the past 2 weeks and cannot even believe it. She was fine one day, and this news the next. It saddens me that she has this and it is so progressed. It is also sad for my family, she is my dad's younger sister. She will start chemo and radiation next week, we keep praying for her!
While she was having a biopsy last week, she said she could feel her dad (my grandpa) watching over her. He died year ago Valentine's Day.
That reminded me of what happened just before Frankie's surgery, and I have thought of ever since and wanted to share. Of course before his surgery, i I was quite nervous and upset. I went to mass by myself the Sunday before. I felt kind of a mess, and then 2 people sat down behind me and I smelled cologne and I immediately thought of him, it was the cologne he wore, and I was transported in my mind to their old house, in my dad's old room. It was a small room, just like Frankie's room. Then I was in my grandparents bedroom, and I knew that my grandpa was looking out for Frankie!
It helped me get through the next few weeks of the surgery and recovery.
I am praying every day for my aunt and trying to make the most of each day that I spend with my family. Life it good, but is is also short and sometimes difficult. Happy times should be cherished. You really never know what the future holds. So I am going to try every day to think of things that happened that made me smile, happy and write them down.
Frankie was sick today, but I can still think of a few:
Lizzy got to go to her little league parade, softball game and friend's house
Frankie had a yummy popsicle and jello
We all watched part of the Sound of Music together
It was a nice day and I got to take a walk.

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