Monday, July 21, 2008


I was in my EI parent group today, while Frankie was at his class; and a mom was talking about her twins and asking about potty training one at a time. The facilitator of the class mentioned that she was also a twin and how close she is to here sister.
It just got me thinking about how close Lizzy and Frankie are. I am amazed some days by their love for one another. While she is away at school, or now camp, he asks for her many times. They almost always want to play together when we are at home. She said that it was so great to have Frankie around because then she always has a playdate that does not have to go home! During the school year, she went to the children's mass at church and on topic was about loving God more than anyone else. She said to me, "It is hard to love God more than Frankie". I was so touched and felt that summed up how she feels about him, and vice versa. I told her that loving Frankie was part of loving God, and that is was nice of her to love Frankie so much.
Every day now before his nap and before bed, he will go find her and say, "Night, Lizzy". It is precious. They are always hugging each other and feel bad if one gets hurt.
They do have times where they argue over a toy or something, but I feel so happy with the bond that they have! They enjoy each others company.

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