Saturday, March 14, 2009

Surgery - March 6th

Frankie had his surgery last Friday, March 6th. I was nervous, but then felt calmer as we were there! It got postponed from 8:30, to 10, 10:30 and finally 12! A long time for a small child to not eat! He did well waiting, we watched some TV, read books.
Then I suited up in the mask, surgical suit, hat. We dressed Curious George up too and then Frankie did! He was excited about it and liked the mask. We told him he was going to go into another room and smell strawberries, and he was excited! We got in there and laid him down and he was upset, crying though the mask, it sounded so odd! He went out pretty quick.
He was in surgery a good hour and a half, he had 6 muscles worked on. 2 to help his strabismus (crossed eyes) 2 to help his nystagmus (wiggly eyes) and the other 2 to help his null point/head tilt.
In recovery I was surprised that there was blood coming out of his eyes, so sad. He woke up and wanted me and I sat with him for a few hours before we went home. At one point he got the IV out and blood was spurting everywhere!
We got home in the later afternoon, my parents and Lizzy were surprised to see how bad his eyes looked. He just laid on me and slept or cried out in pain that his eyes were hurting, so sad!!!! He had a hard time sleeping, I wound up sleeping on his floor on the couch cushions!
He was in enough pain that I do not think I would do it again.

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