Wednesday, March 25, 2009

IEP Meeting!!!!!

Yea, Frankie got into the integrated preschool in our town and we are happy with his IEP!! I am very excited and relieved.
He will receive an hour a week of vision services and 45 minutes a week of O and M. The specialists will also have time to consult with the teachers. His teacher seems so nice. We are going to go into the school in a few weeks with the O and M specialist, so he can get used to things.
We finally got the vision report late last night, so I think the director at the preschool is going to look into getting a new person. It doesn't seem like she can take this on, at this time.
Frankie will start school right on his birthday, May 4th. He will be in the afternoons for the remainder of the school year. A little tricky with naps, but we shall see. We will start with 4 afternoons, and can always go down to 2. Over the summer we decided not to do the summer program, so he will receive his services at our house. In the fall he will be going 4 mornings, which will be great!
I am very happy with how things turned out and feel like another weight has been lifted!

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