Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why Do IEP Meetings Make Me so On Edge?

Today was Frankie's 3 year re-evaluation to see if he qualifies for services. Wow, did those 3 years fly, it seems like just yesterday he was 2 1/2 and we were having his first meeting. How far he has come!

All of his teachers and specialists were glowing about him; academically and his happy, laid back personality. He needs more work on asserting himself to play with other kids and approach them. He does learn primarily through his vision, and needs to learn to use it even more. So he still qualifies for O&M, vision services and OT. He does not need the school psychologist working with him anymore or the special education teacher. They were all amazed about the progress he has made, and I can see it too! It makes me happy and proud!

Part of me still just has a hard time with these meetings, though. It is emotionally draining and it gets me thinking about the future and issues he may have. I know I need to focus on the present and I will feel better, but I do feel nervous for a few days, even after these meetings. Do other sped. parents feel this way??

Great story, though, we were discussing the Carroll Kids summer program at the Carroll Center for the Blind in Newton, and the school has to find out more to see if he qualifies for services there. Frankie's TVI said if he does not qualify, she would go to the Westwood Lions meeting to see if we could get some assistance, as the camp is quite expensive. Tonight, I get a call from someone who is a member of the Westwood Lions Club! I was so shocked when he called! So I gave a donation and he gave me the information of the person to contact about meetings and assistance. I am still smiling how it all worked!

So, all in all, a good day!

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